
Back to School - For More Lessons

The book Lessons From a Hard Teacher ends on a tentative but hopeful note. That's just how I felt when I left my chemo behind in June 2006, and I enjoyed – and appreciated – my good health. 

One year later, in the summer of 2007, I noticed some unusual symptoms. I became intensely and obsessively thirsty. I noticed that I began walking in a zigzag pattern. I gained weight then rapidly lost a lot of weight. One day, when I was getting ready for church and putting makeup on, I noticed that my mouth was a little asymmetrical.

My doctor told me I had Bell's palsy. He said it was temporary and would gradually improve. He expected it to be gone in month or two.

But instead of getting better, it got worse.

(From my husband's journal,  March 2, 2008)
“Yesterday I baptized and confirmed Elisabeth a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I had fasted from Friday to be prepared mentally and spiritually for the ordinances . . . I also had in mind to ask for a blessing on Marnie – that she would recover health and strength and that we would continue to be blessed in receiving inspired treatment for her condition.”  

To see more about this experience click → here.



  1. I just finished reading Marnie's book Lessons from a hard teacher. What a wonderful experience I've been lifted up I now have a better understanding of the purpose of Trials and tribulation. In Our Lord Jesus Christ and His attoning sacrifice everything makes sense and everything is possible.
    Thank You very Much Marnie,Wes and Children You are a powerful Team in the Lord's Hands.
    Sincerely Cesar Mendoza

  2. Thank you so much for finding my website and for your kind words about the book. I wrote it hoping that it would touch someone's heart, and I'm always glad to hear that it has. I appreciate your comments.
